
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Igor Korolyov from Taras Shevchenko National University visiting Vytautas Magnus University


On 11-22 September 2022, Igor Korolyov, associate professor at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, visited Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas and Vilnius. In Kaunas, he visited the Faculty of Humanities, met with the head of the project at VMU Jurgita Macijauskaitė-Bonda and students of Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University who were currently enrolled in the Lithuanian Studies Semester at VMU. He also visited the Department of International Studies, discussed Lithuanian Studies-related activities and challenges during the difficult wartime period and mobility opportunities. The visit also included a visit to the Leonid Donsky Library of the VMU.

In Vilnius, visits were made to the VMU Academy of Education and the Vilnius University Library, where materials for teaching Lithuanian and research were collected. The Ukrainian Cultural Centre of VMU was also visited to discuss the Lithuanian language course for refugees from Ukraine.


Igor Korolyov visited VMU in Kaunas

Photograph from Igor Korolyov's personal archive.
