13th International Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference "THE REGION: HISTORY, CULTURE, LANGUAGE"
2024-03-08A research group “Linguistic, Literary, Cultural and Historical Research: the Regional Aspect” organises an international interdisciplinary scientific conference The Region: History, Culture, Language on the 16th–17th of May, 2024. Researchers of different fields are invited to participate and discuss the subject using different perspectives.
Suggested topics:
- Methodologies and methods in regional research;
- Regions in historical research;
- Cultural and communication memory in the region;
- Regional policy and governance;
- Region in ethnology, anthropology and cultural research;
- Regional identity, mentality and self-awareness;
- Ethnographic peculiarities of regions;
- Linguistic understanding of the region, territorial and social dialects, language specifics;
- Regional literature and regional authors, regions and regionality in literature;
- Traditional and contemporary applied and visual art expression in the region;
- Development opportunities for the design sector in the region;
- Regions in the context of informal art education;
- The specifics of musical folklore in the regions;
- The peculiarities of creation, dissemination and perception of professional music in the regions.
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