The 8th International Conference "The Interaction of Tradition and Modernity"
2025-01-27On 20-21 November 2025, the Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities of Klaipeda University will host the 8th International Conference "The Interaction of Tradition and Modernity", dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the publication of the first collection of Lithuanian folk songs - Ludwik Rhesa's "Dainos, oder littauische Volkslieder" (Königsberg, 1825).
The conference theme and dedication open up opportunities for a variety of presentations. This event is dedicated to the latest research on the interaction of tradition and modernity in the indicated areas and to a scholarly dialogue on the significance of folk creativity and culture, both from a historical perspective and in the current context.
We kindly invite You to participate: The Interaction of Tradition and Modernity | Klaipeda University
Registration form: Konferencijos „Tradicijos ir modernybės sąveika 2025“ dalyvio anketa / Application form for "The Interaction of Tradition and Modernity 2025" conference
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